Please install the Metamask extension to connect your wallet. If you're using a mobile device, open this page in the Metamask browser for the best experience. Only BSC (Binance Smart Chain) Network.

My Wallet

  • Token Balance -
  • Tokens Launch Value-
  • Current Price-
  • Launch Price0.0005 BNB per SHEN

SHEN Stats

  • Presale Collection-
  • Total Supply10,000,000,000 SHEN
  • Airdrop Supply-
  • Presale Supply-

Presale Saga

Pool Balance -

If the timer ends without any new presale purchase above 0.01 BNB, the address below will win all pool balance. The pool balance will be sent to the winner automatically from the smart contract. For transparency, owner address cannot win by default.



Free Airdrop

Airdrop is free. You will only pay the Tron Network fee. This fee can be zero if you hold enough energy/bandwidth.

1000 SHEN

Buy Presale

Price increases 10% after every 1 billion tokens sold. Starting price is 0.00001 BNB per SHEN.



Refer others and earn 10% commission for their presale purchases. Your commission will be sent directly to your address.

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Total Commission:
